Wednesday, September 21, 2011

F.I.T.T. to Run!

We are on to week #3 in our training program, which means some of you are running 5:1s, some of you are on 4:1s, and some of you are on 3:1s. Remember that the time to run increases, but you can still use the same pace you used for all previous runs!

This week's chapter in the PE manual covers the 5 components of fitness, the F.I.T.T. formula, and the benefits of a warmup and cooldown. Running specifically falls under the component of cardiovascular endurance. Throughout our 10 week program, we are aiming to increase and improve our cardiovascular endurance. For those of you choosing to train 2x at home during the week, you will no doubt see big improvements in your cardiovascular endurance. Running 1:1s will seem like a piece of cake in just a few weeks because your body will have increased its ability to use the oxygen you breathe in! If you read your chapter, you will see this directly corresponds to principle of overload. Each week we increase the time, which in turn increases the intensity for us- we slowly overload our body and take it slightly out our comfort zone so that we can keep building endurance.

There are several benefits to doing our weekly runs: increasing our endurance, improving blood flow and circulation, decreasing our risk of heart disease, weight maintenance and weight loss, and improved confidence. The last one is my favorite as many of you thought you wouldn't be able to complete the run and each week you prove yourself wrong!

Finally, lets apply the F.I.T.T. formula to our running/cardiovascular endurance program that we received in class:

Frequency- 3x/ week
Intensity- 60-90% of heart rate (you'll learn this next week)...but take your pulse and it will show you how hard you are working!
Time- depending on our programs, 20-25 minutes
Type- running, wogging, jogging, run-walk, jog-walk, wog-walk, (and perhaps....crawling???

BLOG QUESTION #2: What is your favorite part of the training program so far? What is your least favorite part?


  1. My favorite parts: 1. Jogging in Seaway park in FRESH air! 2. Getting to speak with all of you and get to know you a bit better!

    My least favorite part: 1. Reading the weather network website and seeing rain in the forecast and worrying if the few of you that do not like/love running, will hate it even more if the weather is brutal!

  2. Favorite part : The program makes you want to start running, it motivates you.

    Least favorite part: Because we only have class once a week, it is very hard to fit it into my schedual outside of school, so that makes it harder.

    -Chelsea Jones

  3. My favorite part: Jogging when there's a nice cool breeze to alleviate the hot weather. Also, when I finally finish the 20 mins. jog.

    My least favorite: Getting a stitch in my side while jogging and crying because there's sweat stinging my eyes.

    Michele Mulchandani

  4. My favorite part so far is the jogging. I love cardio, especially cardio in the Seaway park with the fresh air and friends.

    My least favorite so far is running under the rain...I absolutely hate it...

  5. My favorite part so far is the muscular strength & endurance exercises because it gets my heart pumping and i love that feeling. i love sweating after a great training day.

    My least favorite part so far is to run in the morning while it's raining or to look at the weather and to see it's gonna rain and that we have to do the 20 minutes circuit indoor.

    Ahmad Hyjaz Loudin(1130923)

  6. My favorite Parts: I'm probably loosing weight and soon enough it will help me improve in my physical activity
    My least favorite part: i hate sweating

  7. My favorite part:
    Finally I will have to do some cardiovascular trainning!
    My least favorite part:
    I don't like to run when it's too hot outside cause it makes me sweat and I hate it..
    Simon Benoit (1030128)

  8. My favorite part of the the 20 minute circuit training is all the time i get to walk instead of jog/run.

    My least part is how I always forget to bring a water bottle, so by the end my throat is begging for water and I feel dead.

  9. My favorite part so far has surprisingly been the jogging outside. It's making me start to think about doing it outside of class.

    My least favorite part (so far) was the circuits!

    Samantha Doyle

  10. My favorite part so far is to run outside as the fresh air passes through me. I realize some point today as I was jogging by myself that when there's fresh air pushing itself off of your face you feels good.. real good.

    One of my least favorite on my behalf would probably not bring any music to put me in the grove.. although I do that Krista to support me on so I managed today!

    Jacky Pham

  11. My favorite part is that that after every running I can feel the results of my work, and that i meet knew people.

    My least favorit part is that for now at least we always run at the same place.

    Aleksandar Popov (0930900)

  12. My favorite part is getting a workout in every tuesday morning and getting some exercise to start the day, running or circuits i like both...its a great way to wake up after such an early class

    My least favorite part is rushing after class to get to my next class right after

    Erika Bove (1130829)

  13. My favorite part is to run outside and take fresh air to cool off even though we are sweating so much.
    My least favorite part is the training inside class(like the last class) without being able to be outside because it is soooooooo hot in the gym.

    Kassandra Koroglu

  14. My favourite part so far is running OUTSIDE because at least you get a breeze once in a while unlike indoors where you cook alive!

    My least favourite part was the circuit training because for one it was indoors and two its just easier to run. Thomas Laflamme-Roy

  15. My favorite part so far has being meeting new people and helping motivate each other! It really helps running with someone! Also, I like to see that in just 3 weeks, i can see a difference! The training at the end today was great!

    My least favourite part was that I was really thirsty and the water fountain was far. I would bring a water bottle, but I don't enjoy running with something in my hands.

    Marianne Houle

  16. My favourite part so far has been learning about our body, and all about the "chemical" part to keeping out bodies healthy. And being able to apply all the new techniques to my own work outs and life style.

    My least favourite part so far has been the circuit training because I haven't yet go my body used to intervals.

    Laura Mascitto

  17. My favorite part is the rush of adrenaline when a new song starts playing during the run. There's no better feeling than when the beat picks up which makes you run a little faster.

    My least favorite part would be the stickiness of my clothes after a workout. When you know you will be in school until 6 pm, a shower is necessary to get through the day.

  18. -My favorite part of the training is getting to workout and destress from my school work, its pretty much the only time I have for myself during the week and I feel great after the run.
    -My least favorite part is having to go to my next class all sweaty.

  19. My favorite part so far is the feeling of exhilaration right after a workout. It's really a great way to start off the day.

    I have to agree with everyone else with all the sweat after the workout. It's a little uncomfortable when you have a class right after.

  20. My favorite part in the class so far is the satisfaction that you get after completing your workout at the end of the day.

    My least favorite part is that i have a back problem and and runing with it brings my motivation down a little.

    Jordan Pettigrew

  21. My favorite part so far is the muscular strength and also endurance exercises. I really like the way we do it. (Though, my REAL favorite part is at the end when I am in front of the fan :) It is my new best friend!)

    My least favorite part is when we are running because I hate it, BUT I do my best !

    Jadee J. Brunelle

  22. My favorite part of the program are the walking breaks between runs. They give your muscles a little time to rest and it is a bit of muscle confusion.

    My least favorite part is when I'm out of breath and sweaty.

    Kamilah Millette

  23. My favorite part is the feeling you get when you finished your running.

    My least is to have class right next this class and beeing all sweaty.

    Anas Mghari

  24. Favorite part: Jogging in Seaway park motivates me to do it on a regular basis

    Least favorite part: I hate sweating -_- !

  25. My favortie part is the challenge and how great and healthy you feel afterwords.

    My least favorite part is the smell.

  26. My favorite part is getting better at endurance and maybe lose some weight thanks to this training.
    My least favorite part is when there's one minute run added each week.

  27. Ma favorite part of running is that it keeps me in shape and helps me to improve my cardio endurence.

    My least favorite part is that my face always turns red.

  28. My favorite part is listening to my music while running. Gets me motivated.

    My least favorite is that it is first thing in the morning so you're hot, stuck in your next class and my straighten hair all curls up. : )

    Roxanne Gaumond

  29. My favorite part of the training so far is that is gets me motivated to start working out again, and getting in shape. My least favorite part, I have none, because I'm staying positive.


  30. my favorite part of the training program is that it allows me to improve my cardio.
    my least favorite part would be the actual running part :P

    Amanda Sylvia

  31. My favorite part is that we train so hard something that is impossible to do alone and my least favorite part is running outside every class.

    Sara R.

  32. Favorite part: Having a program motivates me to run and to accomplish every week's run.

    Least favorite part: Running outside when it's very hot and sunny like last class.

    Joanne Seenivasagam

  33. My favorite part of the training is being able to go outside and feel the sun on my skin while everyone is still in class (mouhahahaha).

    My least favorite part is that we have to run the morning ....

  34. My favorite part is the circut training we did last week.

    My least favorite part is reading or that the class is at 8 in the morning.

    -Alessandro Luigi Tiberio

  35. My favorite part: Running when theirs fresh air end even when it rain's a little bit.

    My least favorite part: My face's turns red and its the first thing we do when we wake up

    Sandrine Rouleau

  36. My favorite part is the feeling of satisfaction after running and the feeling of refreshment.

    My least favorite part would be my sweaty hair and face

    Alexia De Sousa

  37. My favorite part is the relief after doing a great workout program and how the morning sunshine comes with a breeze of fresh air when we run!

    My least favorite part is getting out of my bed in the morning and thinking I have to do a workout. I KNOW how how great we feel afterwards but when you are still sleepy and warm under you bed sheets, it's kind of hard to think otherwise. Oh well, I hope this week's morning run won't be too bad!


  38. My favorite part of running is being able to push myself a harder everytime. I love it when you can just run and give yourself as chance to let your mind wonder :) It really helps me out when I'm stressed out or simply in a bad mood. You push yourself and all the bad seems to leave.

    My least favorite part is the weather .... I really hate running when it's too hot or too cold... :( you never know what to wear and you always end up being hot or cold!
    Alyssa Martin

  39. My favorite part of the training program so far is that i can already feel progress in my cardiovascular endurance which motivates me to work even harder.
    My least favorite part of the training program would probably be that its so early in the morning. I feel like I'm still asleep!

    Kelly Keating (1131119)

  40. My favorite part is when I finish the jogging and we start the cool down because I felt that I workout great.

    My least part is when we start the jogging becauase all my muscles were sleepy.

    Kadita Tshibangu

  41. My favortite part: When I am in the running part of the program and I feel that I am working hard.

    My lest favorite part: When the running time is over because I love running!!

    Ismael ALIDOU

  42. My favorite part is when we start the running and I feel my body working hard, I feel the intensity it makes me thinks I'm doing good.

    My least favorite part is before we start, my body is not ready to run at all cause all my muscles are sleepy and my metabolism is not ready to run.

    Sain Zaheer.

  43. Thus far my favorite thing about this fitness program is the fact that it is benefiting my health and well being. Unlike most of the high school gym classes I attended, where we were forced to run at a certain pace for an extended period of time, we are allowed to run at our own pace in this class. This is great because it's much more encouraging and enjoyable to be able to run at a rate you are comfortable with. What I dislike about this fitness program is the actually running, except it's totally worth it because I always feel great afterwards!
    - Rose Mahoney

  44. What I like about this program is that I am able to run for a longer period of time before getting tired.

    What I dislike is that, so far, the days have been too hot for me to perform well.

    Collin Long

  45. my favorite part is running when it's not hot outside , when theres a nice cool breeze.

    my least favorite part : running when it's hot

    Cassandra Grifo

  46. My favorite part is running in fall because its never to hot outside.

    My Least favorite part is getting cramps while running.

  47. what i like is that I'm now able to run longer distances without passing out

    what i dislike it being sore the next day ):

    Vanessa Chambers 1030140

  48. My favorite part of running would be the fact that I get to listen to awesome music while burning calories (yay!)

    My least favorite part would be the sticky shirt at the end of the run (boo)

  49. My favirite part is when we begin. I like the feeling to chose my music and begin my jogging. What i dislike it begin to sweat !

    David Giguere

  50. #1 least favourite running outside
    #2 my favourite is doing muscle strengthening
