If you're visiting this blog, chances are that you are in my 103 Total Body Conditioning class (on either Tuesday or Wednesday). This will be the blog that you will contribute comments to for the the next 10 weeks of your 5km training program. In addition, it will be kept up beyond the end of class for other physical education related posts/questions/ideas.
The purpose of this blog is twofold: to share ideas with one another AND to bring physical education online! Therefore, it will rely entirely on each student in the class to contribute his/her own original ideas!
For the purpose of this class, you will be asked to comment on 5 different blogs, with each comment being worth 1% for a total of 5%. You will have to comment sometime between Monday and Friday of the week that the blog is posted. The sooner you blog, the less likely someone will take your answer! Feel free to read through others' responses to get ideas and to help inspire you- perhaps you might even find that others are thinking the same as you or they might be on a completely different wavelength!
A new blog will be posted shortly- we'll use it as a practice blog so it won't count for marks, but it will give you a chance to try things out! Be sure to comment before Friday, September 9th at 5pm!
Tips on commenting on blogs:
1. Keep it to 1-2 sentences.
2. Be specific, give examples, and use the word 'I'.
3. You can choose to 'sign in' or comment as a guest- either way, make sure you name is somewhere in your comment so I can identify you and you can get graded!
Good luck and happy commenting!